Kick off: Planning for Election 2026
THIS MEETING HAS BEEN CANCELLED BY SHORT NOTICE: A new day and time will be presented soon.
This meeting will be in a workshop style where we map out potential collaboration for a joint activity on something before the election 2026.
THIS MEETING HAS BEEN CANCELLED BY SHORT NOTICE: A new day and time will be presented soon.
Follow up on Introduction to Degrowth
For new and old degrowth:ers. This is an event where we will discuss degrowth together. This session will be co-hosted by Silvia and Ekatarina.
Location: ABF Malmö Spånehusvägen
Questions: contact Silvia, Ekatarina or our Degrowth info-email.
Introduction to Degrowth, v 5
On request from new members: This session will be hosted by Ekaterina, experienced degrowth:er and researcher on degrowth. This session is mainly for new members, but for everyone interested in degrowth. If you have questions contact Ekatarina or the Degrowth info-email.
Time: 14-16. Location: ABF Malmö, Spånehusvägen 47
Final planning for spring 2025
Join our first planning session for 2025. The aim of the meeting is to put together an agenda for spring 2025. We had some sessions for generating ideas for this semester and this meeting will be about putting everything together. Location: Direktörsvillan (Kirseberg) Lundavägen 51A. Welcome. Host: Sara - contact Sara or info-mail Degrowth if you have questions.
Social drink and get-together after winter holidays
Let´s come together for a drink and catching up after winter-holidays. Place to be announced. Contact Annita for more info. If you don´t have her email, contact us on the degrowth info-email.
Planning meeting
This meeting will be dedicated to plan our up-comming activities! We will do this in a workshop style and the only preparation you have to think of is to reflect on the following:
What would you like the Institute for Degrowth Studies to focus on this autumn, in the spring and more long-term?
Is there any activities you think the Degrowth group SHOULD engage with?
In what way do you want to contribute to these proposed activities?
This time we meet at Direktörsvillan in Kirseberg, Lundavägen 51 A.
See. you there!
The Institute for Degrowth Studies: Annual meeting 2023-24
Welcome to our annual meeting! As this is the only formal meeting, we have sent out more detailed info on our info-email list, as well as on our active email list. If you are not on one of these lists and are interested to join our meeting, send us an email!
For new and curious (potential) members: Introduction to the Institute for Degrowth
Dear all! Have you come in contact with the Institute for Degrowth Studies or heard about us anywhere and got interested. This meeting is for you! We give a short introduction to Degrowth and to the group, who we are, we we have done etc. We meet at ABF Malmö. The meeting will be short from 17-18. After this we will go for a social drink/snack in Folkets Park - everyone that wants to join are welcome!
Meet up after summer
We meet at Sara´s place. We say hello to our new members and continue to discuss the autumn. Most welcome!
Summing up spring 24 and kick-off ideas for autumn 24
We meet at Spilios place for a final spring meeting, to reflect on our activities during spring, and to spark some ideas for autumn 24. + planning our first meetings after summer.
Degrowth study circle: 4th session
Topic: Deep dive 2: Degrowth perspectives on wellbeing and welfare
To attend this study circle, you need to have registered in advance.
Degrowth study circle: 3rd session
Topic: Deep dive 1: Degrowth perspectives on labour and organising
To attend this study circle, you need to have registered in advance.
Degrowth study circle: 2nd session
Topic: Contemporary currents within degrowth and constructive critical perspectives
To attend this study circle, you need to have registered in advance.
Degrowth study circle: 1st session
Topic: Fundamental Degrowth: The core of degrowth and the origin of the field
To attend this studycircle, you need to have registered in advance.
Get to know degrowth: cooperative and community-based organising
How can we better organise non-profit organisations, cooperatives and communities working on a socio-ecological transformation? Join us in a workshop with cooperatives from Malmö and Lund and discover what their challenges are and how they see the future of the cooperative model.
In the second part of the event, two experts will share their experiences with the cooperative model and community organising.
17:00 - 18:00 Workshop Capacity building for non profit organisations. Local cooperatives have been invited (Circle Centre Lund, Matvarukooperative Lund, Alnarp’s Farm, Swop Shop Malmö) to co-create a map of strategies to innovate the cooperative model in order to answer the emerging needs of the sector.
18:00 - 18:30: Food/fika
18:30 - 19:30 The degrowth institute in conversation with Jakob Rask, Founder of Copenhagen Doughnut and writer of Cooperative Handbook and Britt Jurgensen, co-developer of Homebaked Community Land Trust and Homebaked Bakery Liverpool
Attendees can choose to attend all the events or parts of it.
Fika will be served! Please mark "going" on the Facebook event so we know how much fika to prepare to avoid any waste!
Get to know degrowth: planned obsolescence and degrowth
Degrowth of the digital? What can your old smartphone – and a website that sometimes goes offline – tell us about degrowth of the digital?
Please bring your oldest smartphone, laptop, tablet or other web-enabled device to put this degrowth concept to the test!
Discussions on how to think about planned obsolescence with Roel Roscam Abbing (Doctoral Student in Interaction Design at Malmö University) and Jessika Richter (Repair Café Malmö).
We will discuss the possibilities and challenges to repairing and the connection to degrowth!
The workshop will be in English, but Swedish interaction is also possible. We will have some old electronics for people that don't have any at home but still want to participate!
Tentative program:
15.30 – 15.35 Introduction the Institute of Degrowth studies
15.35-15.40 Intro to the theme: ‘Obsolescence driven consumption and the degrowth of production’
15.40 – 16.00 Introduction to ‘Right to Repair Movement’ by Jessika from Repair Café Malmö
16.00-16.20 Presentation by Roel
16.20-16.30 Fika break
16.30-17.00 Workshops with Roel and Jessica on what can be repaired
17.00 – 17.30 Panel discussion
Fika will be served! Please mark "going" on the event so we know how much fika to prepare to avoid any waste!
Get to know degrowth: movie screening 'Fairytales of growth'
Join us for the first event in our new series: Get to Know Degrowth!
For the first event, we will be screening the film FAIRYTALES OF GROWTH which introduces degrowth and many of its central ideas.
We will have a discussion with the film director Pierre Smith Khanna, in conversation with Cecilia Paulsson (director of Outgrow the System).
This event is perfect for people wanting to know more about degrowth and alternatives to the capitalist system. No previous knowledge of degrowth is required!
Coffee, tea, and fika will be served!
Everyone is welcome
Discussion on local currencies at Beijers Park Cafe
Come join us on our next session of Degrowth Theory & Praxis on Wednesday the 24th of May 17:00-19:00.
This time we will visit Beijers Park Café to learn more about local currencies and similar initiatives. We will listen to a panel discussion with Ester Barinaga (Lund University), Nils Philips (Malmö Ideella) and Jane Olsson (Swopshop), who will talk about local currencies in general, the Kirseberg local currency Backs and the Swopshop system of Green Hearts.
Fika will be served!
Guided tour of urban developments in Nora Fäladen, Lund with Johan Pries
Join us for a guided tour of recent urban developments in the north of Lund, as part of our discussion on degrowth & urban housing.
The tour will be led by Johan Pries, Associate Senior Lecturer in Human Geography at Lund University. You can familiarize yourself with Johan's work here:
If you want to know more about the context of urban developments in the north of Lund, you can check out this article (in Swedish)
We will meet at 16:00 in front of the Geocentrum building in Lund, Sölvegatan 10.
After the tour, we will continue discussions with drinks & dinner at The Herbivore, in Lund.
The event is open for everyone, and no registration is required. You can find the Facebook even here:
Film screening: The ants and the grasshopper
Anita Chitaya, a Malawi woman that has taken an active role in her village in areas such as food provisioning and gender equality, travels to the USA to talk to people about climate change, race, class and gender and finds she needs all her persuasion skills to convince her conversation partners of the fact that we are all in this together.
We will be showing The ants and the grasshopper at ABF Malmö and hope to have an interesting discussion with viewers afterwards. Everyone is welcome to join!
You can find more information on the movie here:
Annual meeting
Just like every year, we are holding our annual meeting as the year draws to a close. All members of the organisation are warmly invited to participate and have their say. The board will make sure all the necessary documents are sent out in time, so that members can review them in case they would like to.
Because of the formalities that come with the annual meeting of an ideell förening in Sweden, at least some of the members might find this meeting relatively boring and dry. None the less, we are hoping for a good turnout. An annual meeting is the perfect time to bring up things regarding the way we work as an organisation (critiques, points of improvement, anything), so the more people present, the more we can shape the way we work so that everyone feels comfortable with it!
Plus, we do plan on a social event afterwards!
Book launch: Degrowth & Strategy
How can degrowth and other social movements amplify their efforts towards social-ecological transformation? By acting more strategically, perhaps? But what does this mean, in theory and in practice?
Welcome to the launch of the book Degrowth & Strategy: How to bring about social-ecological transformation where we will present the ideas of the book and how to put them into practice
Tuesday, 15th of November 2022 17:00 at the Puffendorf Institute for Advanced Studies at Lund University (Biskopsgatan 3)
No registration required, fika will be served!
Study Circle: introduction to degrowth
Together with Krakel, we are organising a study circle on degrowth! As this will be an introduction to degrowth concepts and ideas, we will be reading The Case for Degrowth at an easy-going pace and discuss the book together during 6 meetings, starting on November 9th and from then on every other week.
To participate you need to be a Krakel member. You can apply for membership and register for the circle here. Other than that, all you need is an interest in degrowth, no prior knowledge required!
Location: Krakel, Brobygatan 7 (Malmö)
Degrowth's importance for climate change
This years’ Nordic Labour Film Festival features a panel debate on degrowth, climate change and how also unions can be a driving force for a just transition. We will be present together with Jennifer Hinton and a number union representatives to hear each other our on our views. The debate will take place partly in English and partly in Swedish.
You can find more information on the Nordic Labour Film Festival here.
Conversation and political hearing about climate, degrowth and not-for-profit economy
In a non-profit economy, companies and institutions would put the benefit of society first, instead of profit interest. Could this be a possible way to meet the enormous challenges of the climate crisis?
Jennifer Hinton is a researcher in sustainability and ecological economics. She comes to NGBG and talks about the Not-for-profit economy model. The Institute for Degrowth Studies with Chaïm de Mulder will also be there to talk about their work with the campaign A Peoples Green New Deal for Malmö.
A short film will be shown and we will hold a conversation with Jennifer and Chaïm. The conversation is moderated by Cia Paulsson, documentary filmmaker and employed in the Scenario 2030 project.
Finally, the event will round up with a hearing of Malmö politicians.
In the panel:
• Tobias Petersson (V)
• Stefana Hoti (MP)
• Arwin Sohrabi (S)
• Simon Chrisander (L)
The short film and conversation will be held in English and the political hearing will be held in Swedish.
This event is organised in the context of the NGBG festival by Small talks, RåFILM, ABF Malmö and Scenario 2030. Place to be is Norra Grängesbergsgatan 15 (Hypnos).
Recipes for Utopia: Policies and Pathways for Degrowth
The Institute for Degrowth Studies and Professor Max Koch of Lund University welcome you to a lecture with degrowth researcher Timothée Parrique on February 3, 15-17.00 at Socialhögskolan, room 208.
Tim will talk about 'Recipes for Utopia: Policies and Pathways for Degrowth' (see the abstract below). He defended his PhD thesis on degrowth at Clermont-Ferrand in December, which was devoted to 'The Political Economy of Degrowth' and is also a co-author of the 'Decoupling Debunked' report.
"Degrowth yes, but how? How to think about the transition from a growth economy to a degrowth society? To start a discussion about strategies for social-ecological transformation, I will present an inventory of the policies mobilised by degrowthers. As I will argue, existing proposals are too vague, sometimes incongruent and incoherent, and often poorly structured – in short, no good enough for application. To remedy this shortcoming, I will offer a policy agenda for degrowth centred around the three themes of property, work, and money. Going from theory to practice, I will translate the values and principles of degrowth into 9 goals, 31 objectives, and a diversity of policy instruments – a sort of Sustainable Degrowth Goals. More than a political programme to change a system, I will attempt to demonstrate that degrowth can become a full-fledged alternative to capitalism."
Towards a political economy of Degrowth
Join us at the launch event of Institute for Degrowth Studies together with Pufendorf IAS discussing a new book Towards a Political Economy of Degrowth edited by Ekaterina Chertkovskaya, Alexander Paulsson and Stefania Barca. The collection consists of fifteen contributions which bring degrowth into dialogue with critical social theories, cover previously unexplored geographical contexts and discuss some of the most contested concepts in degrowth. Together, they hint towards informed paths for socio-ecological transformation. The Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies, together with Institutet för nerväxtstudier, will host a discussion of the book with its editors and authors, complemented by some fika and refreshments to celebrate the publication.
Please register in advance here:
Discussant: Diana Mulinari (Gender Studies, LU) Participating authors/editors: Stefania Barca (CES, University of Coimbra), Ekaterina Chertkovskaya (Technology & Society, LU), Santiago Gorostiza (ICTA, Autonomous University of Barcelona), Catia Gregoratti (Political Science, LU), Mine Islar (LUCSUS, LU), Max Koch (Social Work, LU), Alexander Paulsson (Business Administration, LU) and Riya Raphael (Gender Studies, LU). The event will be introduced by Ann-Katrin Bäcklund (director of the Pufendorf IAS).
From the cover
Since the 1970s, the degrowth idea has been proposed by scholars, public intellectuals and activists as a powerful call to reject the obsession of neoliberal capitalism with economic growth, an obsession which continues apace despite the global ecological crisis and rising inequalities. In the past decade, degrowth has gained momentum and become an umbrella term for various social movements which strive for ecologically sustainable and socially just alternatives that would transform the world we live in.
How to move forward in an informed way, without reproducing the existing hierarchies and injustices? How not to end up in a situation when ecological sustainability is the prerogative of the privileged, direct democracy is ignorant of environmental issues, and localisation of production is xenophobic? These are some of the questions that have inspired this edited collection.
Editors: Ekaterina Chertkovskaya, Alexander Paulsson, Stefania Barca
Authors: Stefania Barca, Patrick Bond, Hubert Buch-Hansen, Ekaterina Chertkovskaya, Giacomo D'Alisa, Santiago Gorostiza, Catia Gregoratti, Gökhan Gülbandilar, Tuula Helne, Alf Hornborg, Tuuli Hirvilammi, Mine Islar, Max Koch, Emanuele Leonardi, Felipe Milanez, Alexander Paulsson, Riya Raphael
Breakfast meeting: System change with Degrowth?
At this lecture, there will be addressed this question by zooming in on degrowth – an umbrella term that critiques the centrality of economic growth in contemporary societies and embraces alternatives that are ecologically sustainable and socially just. The academic-activist discussion will be intorduced on degrowth, ranging from what is wrong with growth to what systemic change would mean from a degrowth perspective, including how organisations and policies can contribute to socio-ecological transformation.
System Change with Degrowth
• Who is Talking? •
Ekaterina Chertkovskaya is a member of the Institute for degrowth studies and a researcher at Lund University. Her research is in degrowth and critical organisation studies, with particular interests in the themes of alternative organizing, work and basic materials. Together with Alexander Paulsson and Stefania Barca, she is the co-editor of Towards a political economy of degrowth (Rowman & Littlefield, 2019). She co-organised the 6th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Malmö (21-25 August 2018), which attracted 800 participants from across the globe.
• What is the lecture about? •
The pursuit of economic growth is central to today's economies. Most countries of the world are oriented towards constantly increasing their GDP, while 'green'/'inclusive'/'sustainable' growth is articulated as a policy objective by institutions such as the UN, the EU and others. However, there is no empirical evidence that absolute decoupling of economic growth from resource and energy use is possible on a global scale, and thus green growth is arguably a misguided objective. Simultaneously, multiple groups around the world are calling for systemic change in response to the climate and broader environmental crises, as well as rising inequalities. What are the alternatives? This lecture will introduce degrowth – a research area and a movement that explicitly challenges the centricity of growth and embraces alternatives that put ecological sustainability and social justice at the heart of societies. We will discuss what degrowth is and is not, where it comes from, and some of the key topics for the movement.
• Practical Information •
The event is free for members of UF Malmö. Please bring your membership card as you have to pay the entrance fee otherwise!
The fee for non-members is 30 SEK.
You can become a member on the spot for only 60 SEK!
Fika will be served between 17:00 and 17:15, so make sure to bring your own cup and help in saving our planet!
Be aware that by attending this event, you may appear in official photographs.
This lecture is in cooperation with Folkuniversitetet!
See you there! 🌍 (Malmö Univeristy Orkanen D328)